Monday, February 27, 2017

Blog #8

There is a women that wants top go on vacation where its hot and has sunlight. She decides that she wants to go to Cancun. She also wants to meet a guy that is rich. She looks on the internet on a website called and finds a man that is rich. The man is called Juan and is the owner of an elegant hotel. The lady goes to Cancun and goes to the hotel. She has 5 suitcases and the biggest one is for all of her makeup. There is a small man in front of the hotel and the lady thinks he is the bellhop so she gives all of her bags to him. She then says "I am looking for a man named Juan.""My name is juan but everyone calls me the little one, nice to meet you," the small man says to her.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Blog #7

Easiest Words
aeropuerto- sounds almost like airport
hotel- spells exactly like hotel
passport- sounds and spells almost the same as passport
recepcion- easy to pronounce like receptionist in english
acampar- to camp spells similar in english
pasar por seguridad- seguridad sounds like security and pasar is to pass by
turista- can relate to tourist in english
itinerario- spells almost the same except for the -ario in english
confirmar el vuelo- to confirm is similar and vuelo I know is flight
el mes pasado- last month I already knew

Hardest Words
alogamiento- has nothing in common with lodging
boleto de ida y vuelta- a lot of words for just round trip ticket
ver las atracciones- atraccions looks like attractions but is sightseeing
auxilar de vuelo- hard to remember the meaning
equipaje de mano- In my accent I would say hand luggage but its different here

When I travel, I usually travel to Colombia. Colombia's airport is a lot different than what you would see in America. We usually take the bus to my grandma's house for about an hour. The things over in Colombia are more agriculture wise. I like traveling because you get to see more things and new experiences.

Monday, February 13, 2017

Blog #6

Image result for playing soccer clip art
 Yo jugaba futbol con mis amigos y primos
Image result for disobedient child
 Yo era muy desobediente cuando era nino
Image result for lots of toy cars
Yo tenia muchos carros de juguete

Image result for small and tall child
 Yo era pequeno

Image result for riding bikes
 Me encataba montar bicicleta todo los lados 
Image result for hugging toys
Yo queira mucho a mis juguetes

Image result for hating school
Odiaba ir a la escuela por que era aburrido 
Image result for going to work your parents
 Iba con mis padres a trabajar
Image result for with cousins clipart
 Yo vivia con mis primos pero ya se fueron 

Image result for going to play at the park
Me gustaba ir a los parques para jugar

Monday, February 6, 2017

Blog #5

I used to like playing with dolls
We were spoiled
When I was a kid I had a dog
I was handsome
I was fat
1. D
2. E
3. A